Our story begins five days before the death of Keith Flint, on Febuary 27th .
This is a Pi date and on this pi-day we had the Hospitalisation of Luke Perry, who was to later die on the same day as our Firestarter Flint.
One of the most common hidden number connections is the number of days between events, quite often linked with the victims Birthday. Luke Perry was born on the 11th October.
Just in case you weren't totally convinced of our encoded connection
Five Days later we have the Death of not only Luke Perry but also Keith Flint of 'The Prodigy' who died aged 49.
So what connects these two together?
Our favourite code number = 227. Which just happens to be the 49th prime number.
The number 49 is formed by the number of completion 7, squared, or complete in two dimensions.
So maybe we have an indication here that this event is connected with the completion of something?
Now if we look at the meaning of Luke, it means Light, which enlightenment archetype brings us a prometheon connection with our Firestarter Flint.
You need a 'Flint' to start a real fire and Keith, which means 'large Woods or forest', was the fuel for the fire.
If you are still skeptical of the connection between our Firestarter Flint and our light bringer Luke, then lets make one more connection that should remove all possible doubt of coincidence.
Luke Perry was one of the stars of the series Riverdale, where he played the character Fred Andrews..
Note again the mirroring of our number 49 .
The next episode of Riverdale aired 2 days after the death of Luke Perry.
It was of course 'Chapter 49' of 'Series 3 - Episode14'. Called 'Fire walk with me'.
In Tibetan Buddhism they believe that after you are dead your essence remains for 49 days before you re-incarnate. This symbolism in the west is represented by a Jubilee, which comes after the completion of 7 x 7 or 49 years, and begins in the 50th year. In this year all debts are forgiven, and this would tie in somewhat with the idea that in a new incarnation everything starts afresh.
Which brings me to what I think is the reason behind this ritualistic contrivance. We need to look 49 days beyond the date of these symbolic deaths.
April 22nd then is our emergency date, something to literally or ritually catch fire? Or the date for a Pheonix to rise out of the ashes, symbolising a birth or rebirth?
This particular date happens to be sandwiched between Easter Monday, which coincides with the Queens Birthday this year her 93rd, which also connects us to the film 'Frequency', where 'Frank the Fireman from Queens', died in a fire and his fire number was 93, and St Georges day.
So lets look at the clues one more time a see if we can resolve our connumdrum.
We have our Prometheon light bringer Luke asking his fire starting compatriot Keith Flint to 'Fire Walk with me' from beyond the grave. Fire walking is a test of ones faith. When we take that walk for 49 days we arrive at our Emergency number, the arrival of 'The Prodigy'?
Our final clue comes from the second name of our Riverdale star Perry, which in welsh via a shortening of "ap Harry" means (son of Harry).
With the Royal birth due at around that time, it's not much of a prediction, but the symbolism surrounding this prediction is profound. One wonders if a literal fire is needed to induce this prometheon rebirthing.