Back in Febuary we saw the Big Ben NEO asteroid hint. Now we have a news focus on the Big Bennu asteroid.
The Bennu is an ancient Egyptian deity linked with the sun, creation, and rebirth. It may have been the inspiration for the phoenix in Greek mythology.
The photograph below was taken on January 19th - 1/19 (119/911) by the spacecraft OSIRUS REX (king Osiris).The ancient Egyptians believed the Bennu created itself from a fire that burned upon a holy tree in the temple of Ra and yet others believed that it exploded from the heart of Osiris. As I pointed out in Sirius Part 1, all things point back to Egypt.
If we now combine this with our latest sky omen performed on the night of the last of 3 Super moons this year.
We see the date that they imitated a comet/meteor/phoenix in the sky, using the Red Bull Air Force is March 20 - Day 79. Comets, in ancient writings, were considered signs or messages from the Gods, Omens.
We see that the two words are interchangable in terms of value. In our Time Code 79 = 1:19 in terms of minutes and seconds. We also have a Los Angeles (The Angels) connection giving us a Fallen Angel Omen.
We can clearly see that these events again point to the Rebirth or arrival of the Phoenix. The Bennu Bird of Egypt became the Stork of western culture, the stork who brings the child. Which reminds me of our